Small Footprint Big Difference

SixMix: Community at the Heart
Our vision is not just about providing housing, but about building community. This is reflected in SixMix, our unique community model providing activities, services and support around six core strands of daily living: food, home space, learning, small funds, wellbeing and work space. Communal activities will be open to residents and the wider community.

Essential to our everyday lives food, from seed to plate, is one of the core components of Otherwise Living. This includes growing, processing, preparation, cooking and eating together. We also plan food education through hands-on practice and both informal and formal training.

Home Space
We will offer a variety of compact self-contained spaces at fair rent levels. These compact spaces will be intergenerational and flexible to accommodate changing household sizes. To foster community engagement, there will be larger communal spaces, kitchen, dining room, laundry and guest rooms.

Lifelong learning, formal and informal for people of all ages and intergenerational is integral. The communal spaces will be available for learning opportunities of many types, particularly around food and wellbeing.

Small Funds
Finance Otherwise is a mutual aid fund providing small short-term personal loans. This is non-profit and does not charge interest and is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing is nurtured by our relationships, contributing to resilient individuals and communities. Also essential are safe and secure housing, active community involvement, nutritious food, and creativity and lifelong learning.

Work Space
We will offer flexible work spaces, including light industrial at fair rents. Businesses will be encouraged to offer training and apprenticeships. Working and living in close proximity fulfills our sustainable model.
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